Thursday, May 22, 2008

HArold & Kumar know thy Nokia

Just saw the movie Harlod and Kumar Escape from Guanatamo Bay , alright movie , funny but less than the first one . Well in the middle of the film Kumar got his hands on Raza's black N810 ( refered as 770 on other sides ) saying that it can show him the way . Later in the woods he says that it's a state of the art Nokia 7710 .

Nokia next time you do product placement atleast tell the writer the correct name of the phone 7710 and N810 are two different things . Even in Knight Rider pilot the bad guy was using N95 ( plain ) as a touch screen .




Anonymous said...

Its not an N810 dumbass, it IS a 770, look at the device in the movie and compare it to a picture.

Anonymous said...

lol yup, it's a 770. the n810 is their newest model of the series.