Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Women of the world your days of fumbling are over

This post is dedicated to all the women in the world who has to search for the ringing cell phones in their purses , being married to one I know i can 'sense' how frustrating it's if you don't get the phone out immediately and hear what the other side to say about the latest gossip in town to what's on Tv or whatever women talk about ( I never pay attention to much of it :)

Dior yes CD is now in phones and have launched a sleek cell phone will fumbling preventer USB Key sized My Dior Phone remote which could be clipped ( like a iPod Shuffle) outside the purse and can be used to receive call ( hmm by Bluetooth headset does the same ) ranging from USD 3000 for Swarovski studded to USD 5000 plus for Diamond studded go ahead find out how much your significant other loves you .

As Dior CE Sidney Toledano says " In the same way that we have developed our watch and jewelry lines, we want to increase sales with the phone,"

Other uninteresting details include touch screen display and camera .
Availibility unknown - Relief for the hubbies , B/Fs
Target Market : Russia / China

Sticking to my Nokia


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