Thursday, July 31, 2008

Arrival in America

The moment I set foot on the tunnel from the plane to the main terminal I was nervous , I have a beard while my wife covers her head , what will happen to us , will they let us enter the US or will turn us away , how much time do we had to spend here , thinking about the horrors that await us I stood in front of the immigration officer in 15 min after we landed .
The questions asked were usual reason for visit , who I will live with and in a few min he stamped my wife and kids passports as cleared to proceed while politely told me that as I’m from Pakistan I had to go through a registration process known as NASSSER and put my passport in a yellow file and asked me to go to the side room , my wife and kids accompanied me to the office .
We were told to told to keep our luggage outside while we went in the office , time passed 9:15 am . I entered the office while hushing my kids feeling my knees going week , I put my folder in the stack and sat at the back of the office awaiting my name to be called . A number of people were already there many Pakistanis, some Indians and some of Spanish origins. The conversation I heard between TSA agents and some of the fellows was enough to make me further nervous . There was a guy in front of me who had a red file and was being deported as he has no previous history of travel , never been to US and was claiming his wife lives in NY while having no pics or detials , another NY resident was being asked about the domestic violence case he was involved in with his wife a couple of years back .and I was thinking about my Traffic ticket I recieved 10 years back . I overheard some of the conversation between the TSA agents and they were ordinary folks like us talking about their kids , soccer games ,and their growing up pains while they were stern with us , well they were honest fellows doing their job as I also overheard a woman who was to be deported also offered bribe to one of them  and then my name was called . With a lump in my throat , weak in the knees I stood before the agent , she looked through my passport , checked out the countries I have visited , asked for my reason of visit , where I will go , where I will stay , what I do in Pakistan and that’s it in 5 min I was cleared for the final step , creation of my database file and I left for another office accompanied by my family , local time 10 am .
This office was not an office at all , in a wide corridore computers were setup where datawa being collected , as soon as I arrived a friendly voice directed me to take a paper to fill in the questions and submit it and wait for my turn . A few other families were awaiting including one which I knew from Pakistan , we chatted a little while our names were called and after a while I was sitting with a friendly TSA / Homeland Security Officer giving him my details of usual questions . He was frindly enough o tell me to arrive atleast 4 hours earler before my flight departs when leaving the country to get an exit registration and here at 11 am I was all set to leave the airport and enter the US . As I had no change for the trolley , I dragged my two bags outside , was directed to a Taxi stand by the fellows at information and 45 min and 55 dollars including tips and tolls later I was at my hotel at Broadway.


Teeth Maestro said...

Well I think all young Pakistanis get teh NSERS Love from TSA - its worrisome the first time around but after that - you know the routine and buckle yourself down to cough up ALL your credit card numbers etc - thats what I had to to do last time around.. Tough all is well

Do remember to check out or else you will never be able to check back into the US ever again

Good trip coverage will be following your exp

Farhan said...

dkwggkTeeth thanks for the advice , I did forgot to checkout but Etihad people took me to the registration office and quickly got it done , one of my friends didn't did that , still waiting for his passport to arrive from US Emabassy even after 5 months has passed . I offered them only one c/card , the best part was when I mentioned my mom's dob in early 60's while mine in mid 70's it caused some confusion but it sorted out once i explained the situation of DOB's in Pakistan

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