Friday, September 5, 2008

Who controls who

My phone is my property , I own it , I'm it's master but lately I've noticed that instead of controlling it I'm being controlled by my phone , everytime it pings or beeps ( my settings for email and sms ) I immediately check it out , half the time in my day I've had it in my hand either talking or reading emails , sms or even a book . just now i ran towards it as it's alarm started set at 5:45 am , it's the last thing I see before i sleep and forst when I wakeup , I spend more time with it then with my family combined . If I leave it home I feel naked without it .
I better find a cure for myself beofre I become totally immersed in ti's addiction , realizing that I'm a phone addict is the first step , what to do about it well I working on it , since yesterday I don't look at it on every beep or ping except during office hours when an SMS means work , email well I also get the notification on my computer so I prefer to use that .At home I'm leaving it in my room and playing with my kids but yesterday I fell for it's charm and used it to make video of my kids and uploaded it to QIK . no more taking it to the mosque during prayers , I'm uslally fighting the urge to see the phone when it pings which it does multiple times for email in the evening . I'm trying
What about you and your cell phone



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