Saturday, December 20, 2008

Boucheron and Vertu , a Match made in Gold

vertu-boucheron-worlds-hottest-new-phone Boucheron and Vertu together have introduced ‘Single’ Edition Vertu Boucheron 150  ,

Made of single piece solid GOLD it took 1000 hours to cut it’s unique crumpled shape and 700 hours to polish and another 500 hours to hand build it hmm around 2200 hours or 275 days ( assuming 8hrs a day work ) presented in a cool wooden case made from Noce Pedullo walnut tree by the Swiss house Reuge .
As you open its case you hear the signature Vertu ringtone


Man that’s a lot of hours for a phone which only boasts high speed 3G connectivity ( Wifi anyone )  a sapphire crystal screen  and ofcourse Vertu quality but still this monstrosity costs around $30000 pretty less compared to other Boucheron Vertu Bejeweled Cobra costing USD 250,000 launched in 2006 .

vertusnakephones 7 of them were made with 388 mechanical parts , a gold case and removable jeweled charm . boucheron-vertu1

Talking about Luxury in a ‘bailout’ scenario


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