Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 4 New York

Sunday - Our last day in the big apple , I started my day like a Newyorker and got myself a NY Tims from a deli across Westin and by the time kids and wife wokeup , i had gone through it page to page , it was not much for the news but for weekly ads by Bestbuy and other electronic stores , I wanted a laptop and a camera as my Olympus was givin me hard time with it's battery consumption , 6 2700mh fully charged batteries gone in a day and lo and behold , bestbuy had a Nikon S550 ( 10 mp , 5 x optical zoom) for sale and right after breakfast at food Emporium , i took the family to bestbuy located at avenue of americas and got the camera with a 4 gb sd card . later we took the uptown tour around central park , in the afternoon we tried to board a ship but by 5 min we missed it so no nyc tour by ship and went to Rockerfeller instead . If i thought from below NY looks amazing from top of the rock it was BEAUTIFUL , the sheep meadow , the buildings , the good yar blimp , we saw it all from the rock , later we again took an early nap as the next day e had to leave the big apple .

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