Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 3 - New York City

Ok I know it's been 20 days since I last blogged and wrote about my travels but see I came home after 21 days joined office after 21 days and there was a lot to be done , now I'm finally free for some time so I can contine
day 3 NYC Saturday - ahh beautiful morning of a blissful day , today I was feeling a little full 'o cash so i treated my wife and kidsat Starbucks for breakst which backfir
ed badly , first the tea was not what my wife was used to , hey Masala Chai is different from regular Earl Grey and as much as I hate tea , i drank it ( read it was my bucks on the line ) , the corrisant was not that great and we left the place early and headed towards the NY Sights bus , the night before as I mentioned , I purchased 48 hrs bus ticket including tours etc so we had to use so we took the bus to Macy's , we shopped enjoyed the early bird special and later went to Chealsea where I took my wife to TJMAXX , it was not great as I used to go to one in Westland Michigan and wasted some bucks there , later she stumbled upon Nine West and after a while we headed towards where the bus has dropped us to catch our ongoing downtown tour . On the way , we felt hungry and I got us some chips , drinks and Vitamin water for myself from a Deli where a trio od Indian women were sitting in full sari and jewellery discussing god knows what .
We litrary hd to run after the bus when we arrived near the station but the driver was very understanding and he waied for us , the tour was nice , we saw SOHO , NYC pier and in a while got dropped off at our hotel . One thing which I noticed was no one wanted to get off the bus during the whole tour so what we thought will take hours , the tour ended in 2 hrs . We reached our hotel dumped the stuff , had lunch at burgerking where i discovered free wifi and headed towards m&m world
The kids were crazy there , it was like a dream come true for them with m&m in all different colors and they got their heartfill .
Later in the evening we had a dinner planned with one of my good friends who I have met only once before in my life and knew her for more then 10 years , she especially flew from Toronto to meet me and invited us over to Jersey City but we later on settled on at Rockerfeller .
Rockerfeller center , words cannot describe it's beauty and the restaurant in between was awsome and very accomodative . as my wife and friend settled for vegies , my son taha fell asleep , while zohra was having fun , i ordered prawns but at the last moment before serving the waiter told me that it has bacon bits on top and got me a second plate on my refusal to eat it . the fountain , the music ( all 90's song i grew up with ) and people were magnificinet later in the night we said our good buys and went back to the hotel and fell asleep
The pics are at my flickr account at

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