Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nokia E71 Firmware Update Blues

As posted earlier , I finally changed the product code to 0559577 for MEA and reinstalled E71 Firmware now I've 110.07.127 Rm-346 Nokia E71 -1 (42) it was (26) with Singapore .

As mentioned earlier I was unable to run Darkkarious Hack it starts but never runs the Patch simply exits , no problem I can live with some few applications or work with Signsis if it still works but the main change which happened is now becasue of English , Arabic , Urdu now I've got English , French , German and Italian languages , hm Nokia made a bobo some where and we MEA ones will be paying for it . Also my character map is a mess , QWERTY works ok , for symbols I've to use Chr key else '.' brings our '?' .

The thing I love , no more hanging up of phone , no more my memory card is busy without encryption

Camera is still crappy with blue tint ( they reduced it from purple to blue ) solution change the lighting to Florascent for indoors a little better color is produced .

you can ifnd the change log at many place on the web so I'm not going into nitty gritty of Firmware changes only what I experience , Download application has improved software even Multiscanner also has an upgrade and available for download .

Still Discovering



Anonymous said...

I also upgraded the firmware, almost at the time as you :)
the most frustrating thing is character mess, you know any solution about it or we have to live with it?

Mac & Mobile said...

I also upgraded. Beside keyboard mess now I don't have URDU language. What is nokia doing? I have never changed the product code.

Don't upgrade to this version.

Farhan said...

sorry for the late reply , I've fixed the character mapping atleast for English change the product code to Middle East and you'll get it back

Saad said...

@Farhan Do you mind sharing the middle east product code?

Farhan said...

For Middle East it's 0559571
you can also read my experiences at my new blog

Saad said...

@Farhan I'm getting an internal server error (500), when commenting on your new blog. So I'm posing you this question here; does it (0559571) correct all the keyboard keys, or some of them are still wrongly mapped?

Farhan said...

@ Saad , I apologize for the inconvience , there was a problem with the hosting provider and it's now solved

Keymapping problem with new code ME 0559571 is also there atleast "." sign produces the same , I usually use CHR key to put in signs so there is not much problem for me , but Nokia does have to look into the problem to solve it with character Mapping and Firmware updates