Sunday, November 16, 2008

People and their phones

For the past few weeks , I've been observing people and their phones It was refreshing to see that most of the people I knew were using Nokia one variant or other with an exception of one using Samsung Omnia . mostly were onto Series60v3 devices ( E and N series ) but I observed that although they have the best Nokia has to offer they are using their equal to computer equvivalent phones as a Nokia 1200 only for calls and some for Images I'll go person by person on who they are and how they use their phone

I'll start from home My Mom ( House Wife ) : Phone : Nokia N958gb , usage only to send and receive calls with the exception of my kids playing games on it which I'e installed on them . Reason for keeping it Chic Factor

My Father ( Business Man ) : nokia E90 and e65 , initial reaction to E65 was what kind of a phone is this I want my phone in black not brown and it's too heavy later when he can access his Gmail on it , he started to like it onwards he wanted a device with a keypad and fell for E90 , initially used for his Gmail checking via Gmail application and Todo List , the phone is like a Palm top nothing else , 3rd party softwares none except Gmail , maps are not used even the software is not updated

My Friend ( Banker) : E71 - When I first saw it and asked him why he has it well it looks cool and after I told him about the myriad of software available many for free he asked for a CD to be made for him now he uses it for GPS and send me his house coordinates for me to arrive there .

Another Friend (Student ) : N82 , only purpose calls and occasional Camera , for multimedia already has iPod touch

Another Friend ( Business Man ) E65 : Emails and browsing atleast he is using it as per the potential of phone

My coworker ( Sales and MArketing ) E61 and E61i , he bought my E61 but later shifted to E61i and back to E61 cause of it's fast bulk SMS capability . Usage SMS , Todolist occasional Web

I'll update more profiles as my phone is updated and I goota see what has changed


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