Monday, November 17, 2008

Series 60 v3 Business and Fun together

in My previous post , I talked about the people I know and how under utlised their phones are so I've decided to post about a few software which the all of us can use be it a novice or experience user of N and E series also it will act as a reference whenever I hard reset my phone which is often
I'll divide the software in 3 categories For Business for Entertainmnet and General so be it an E or N one can atleast use the phone up to their some potential .
The software I will write about are being used on my E71 but will also work on other devices so I start

Business User : Always in a hurry , always want to be connected totting his 'E' travelling the city or circuling the world a business man is always on the move and in touch and what better for him / her then to go for a E series especially the latest 'flagship in my opinion ' the E71 . Likewise I'm also a businessman well sort of and uses my phone for a lot of work related stuff and use the following

Nokia Email : An alternate to Blackberry atlast , I use it for only my Gmail account on which I forward 4 of mywork accounts for spam filtering although it has support for 6 emails accounts , it's a free account to be setup from , still in beta stage with constant improvments . Fast enough to ping email receive even before Gmail Talk pops up on the screen a constant data plan hog so your'e adviced to have unlimited data plan . Not all is fun and rosy the main draw back is that on default it only downloads 2000 words and a selected type of files when asked to download but is expandable however heavy downloads not adviceable as it only uses Phone memory not the expandable one and I filled mine up in one night hae written to Nokia and they are working on it

Quick Office : builtin application in E and N Series a decent application to read Microsoft Office files but the vanila preinstalled version does not read *.*X or Office 2007 files for them you gotta pay , cummon Nokia it's 2008 atleast give us the current version

Multi Scanner : a Nifty application I use as a OCR , 80 % accurate and read most of my business cards love it or hate it atleast I don;t have to fill in all the data of a business card just a few changes which it reads wrong

World Mate : Be it free or a limited time free edition pro , World MAte by Mobimate rocks , giving uptodate weather and currency information a must be you a city or globe trotter

WiPresenter : A cool laptop presentation controlelr through bluetooth with option to get slides on the phone a nice application good enough to impress the boss and collegues show your techy cool side

MSN MEssenger : Connectivity is the game and nothing connects like IM be it MSN or Yahoo MSn MEssenger is the name of the connectivity game

Slick : A better alternate to MSN , with connection to all the popular IM like MSN , Yahoo , ICQ , Jabber and Gtalk

HotelZon : a must for a Globe Trotter , never be without a room in a strange city be it Prague or Lahore a click of a button , GPS satellites line up and show the hotels around with rates and option to reserve

Calcium : A handy calculator for those tricky on the go calculations be it Tip or going dutch a few clicks will give you the results

Reuter News : an uptodate news service on the go always what's happening around the corner or around the world

Gmail : don;t have Nokia Email , Gmail dedicated application is here a plus point over Nokia email , ou can search all those archived emails all 7gb of them on Gmail a must if previous data is required on the go

Enough of Business no fun all work makes people dull so here comes the fun part of E and N Series
Nokia Internet Radio : Be it local or international , NPR Oklahoma or FM 91 KArachi or best of 80's from NYC it has it all covering all the genere this free radio player used the Edge / GPRS connection to play the best tunes of the world get it and jam the night away . My fav is 80 and 90;s songs being played through my Car stereo ( 1kw Sub woofer jamming ) through lighter Mp3 device

Freebe TV : as the name it's TV and it's free EDge connnection required Telenor eat your heart out your ROK TV was monthly subscription based why pay when free is here

Solitaire : Ah the Windows alternative , I'm hooked now who can refer a good Suduko game to me

QIK : be a broadcaster on the go be it your life or someone elses share it live through your mobile . Stream live and also save to Youtube

Locr : get your pix geo tagged show the world where you've been

mobile Divx " could suggest LCG player but it charged for the software and mDIVX is free to make your mobile a video player only drawbacks , forward and backward are a pain

Well music , video and game all is covered let's talk about the General Stuff

Google Maps : Don;t have GPS no problem it uses Cell based location to show where you almost are , have GPS pinpoint where you are with moving maps

opera Mini Beta 2 : A better alternative to Nokia generic browser , skkinable now for a better viewing experience

Well that;s all I;ve got now , you can see that I'm more business centric hence my usage of E71

Enjoy your software make full use of your phone be adventourous to try new things you can never break a phone unless you smash it with a hammer all other problems could always be solve



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