Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nokia Supports NoTa to save 99% of development costs

NoTA , Network on Terminal Architecture , a flexible, service-based platform that offers scalability in features, performance, and cost. Call it LEGO of phones.

legophone NoTA moves away from the tightly coupled architecture widely in use today and implements a distributed, modular system. The phone is no longer centered around a single, powerful application engine, but instead uses a network of so-called subsystems. Each subsystem, or module, performs a specific task, such as application processing, storage, connectivity, or multimedia, and communicates with the rest of the system via service nodes that can be based on open standards (e.g. Open Max, Open Vg, or Open GL ES).

There are several reasons why using a modular approach is a good idea. It's easy to swap in new hardware and software functions, so developers can upgrade their designs quickly and can introduce a variety of systems that build on the same basic design

nota-diagram So changes are easy to made for developers you don’t like a module snap it out and attach another one . What about consumers can Prosumers can also do the same so after a while all I gotta do is buy the basic body and snap and replace latest modules as they arrive .



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