Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tweeting From the Womb

Tweeting is all the hoot , I tweet , you tweet , we all tweet even Kickbee the unborn kid of Mr Corey Menscher,  tweets even though he is still in the womb now that’s what I call training the kid from the start and I’ve started to teach computers to my kid when he’s six


The Kickbee is a wearable device made of elastic and  Piezo  sensors which detect the baby's movement and transmit electrical charges to an Arduino Mini microcontroller, which in turn transmits the data to a Java application via Bluetooth. This Java app deciphers the meaning of the signals, and posts on Twitter when it determines the baby has kicked.

You can follow Kickbee at http://twitter.com/kickbee

btw the last Kickbee Tweet was

“I kicked Mommy at 07:59PM on Sun, Dec 14! about 19 hours ago from web “

and the kid is very active too ;)

“Wow I'm being very active! I kicked Mommy 258 times at 03:44AM on Thu, Dec 11! 1:45 PM”

What’s in there Ronaldo -  Machester United should sign him right now ;) they have already signed up a 9 year old




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